So I’m trying to use workspace:GetPartsInPart to determine when a note on a rhythm game should be hit.
Now, my problem is simple:
Nothing works.
I cannot find any working way to detect note hits using multiple methods, such as GetPartsInPart and GetPartsInBox.
Before you ask, No I cannot use magnitude as the notes are square and not circle.
My code:
function ProcessNote(Note, Key)
if Note.Position.Z > -1 and not table.find(HitNotesTable, Note) and table.find(workspace:GetPartsInPart(Note), Cursor) then
table.insert(HitNotesTable, Note)
HitNotes += 1
Combo += 1
TotalNotes += 1
task.spawn(function() HitNote(Note.Position, Note.Color) end)
if Key ~= nil then RunService:UnbindFromRenderStep(Key) end
You can’t use workspace:GetPartsInPart() because workspace isn’t a part. What is your objective when using workspace:GetPartsInPart()? I can find another solution for you.
Printing the GetPartsInPart returns a table of everything except the cursor, which is a part and is in the note.
However, after troubleshooting more, I actually found the solution.
The problem wasnt the ProcessNote function, but instead the CursorPosition function.
The cursor was 1 stud ahead of where it was supposed to be, and wouldn’t hit the notes because they actually never touched the cursor.