workspace.Gravity moon ratio question

Hi there! I’m currently doing research for a project of how physics are used in video games, and I found a script to change the gravity force from the roblox API. I’m trying to figure out where the numbers from the MOON_GRAVITY_RATIO come from. I understand that the number 9.81 represents g (Gravitational constant), I don’t really understand where the number 1.62 comes from though, any help would be appreciated!

local MOON_GRAVITY_RATIO = 1.62 / 9.81
local DEFAULT_GRAVITY = 196.2

workspace.Gravity = enabled and MOON_GRAVITY or DEFAULT_GRAVITY

1.62 is the moon’s gravitational constant in meters per second ^2. So it’s converting roblox’s arbritrary gravity number 196.2 studs/second^2 into roblox’s moon stud/second^2.

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