I’ll happily read the 1st page of the story and point out the common mistakes.
Chapter 1:
The 1st thing I noticed about the story is that you capitalized boy in this sentence:
“One fateful day, an Elvin Boy named Izmaelith, and two Elvin girls named Marid and Amernyr.”
You shouldn’t capitalize boy, the only thing you should’ve capitalized is Elvin. I also noticed that you capitalized boy and not girls. I suggest you change that!
Secondly, in the sentence:
“It had golden markings transcribed into the tree and have silver petals, and it was something they had never seen before.”
There was a bit that really sounded wrong, aka “And have silver petals”. It really sounded weird and confusing. Sorry with my bad wording. You should rewrite it and make it like:
“It had golden markings transcribed into the tree with silver petals all around it.”
3rd, the 1st part of the sentence:
“These three entered this mystical tree, and in this tree was a puddle.”
It was poorly worded and it put me off for a few seconds. A better sentence is:
“Izmaelith, Marid, and Amernyr slowly went into the tree, they discovered a puddle in the tree while exploring.”
4th, the sentence:
“This puddle was so pure and clean that it showed a perfect reflection like searing molten silver yet, it was cold and calm.”
Was weird and poorly done. The way you used this and it was bad. A better sentence is:
“The puddle was so pure and clean. The puddle showed a perfect reflection of searing molten silver yet it was so calm.”
That’s all I can do at the moment, all I can say is that you improve on ur wording, grammar, and plot. It’s messy and badly scripted, if you redo it… use words that sound right. Overall, it’s okay!