World terrain map

Hey, I am currently in the process of (attempting) to remake the entire world with a smooth terrain height map, here is what i have so far.

As you can see, not ideal. Geography isnt exactly accurate in places like alaska and russia, and when you zoom in it gets even worse!

Again, not ideal.

Im posting this to ask if there are any known heightmaps that let me achieve high fidelity or if this is just a roblox terrain limitation? I really don’t want to have to scrub through the entire world correcting mistakes so any help would be extremely appreciated. Cheers.

also apologies if this is in the wrong category couldn’t see anything related to terrain so i figured building was the next best thing.


I do have to say its very good But i Dont really have Any experience with roblox terrain so i cant judge it highly i like it In My opinon Though.

dont wanna be rude but this isnt really a feedback thread, im looking for answers on how to fix the issue at hand. Thanks for your regards anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

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From the picture, I believe you’ve hit Roblox’s terrain limitation. A possible fix would be to try and make the map bigger as a whole.

its already quite big,

for reference thats about the size of a baseplate.

Ill go try regardless, i still firmly believe that the issue is either the heightmaps fidelity/ resolution isnt great enough or i have hit a terrain limitation like you said.

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yep, didnt change anything. Same issues at a larger scale :slightly_frowning_face:

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I can’t say its bad, But roblox’s terrain can’t be so smooth as it is. Thats why they are not in the correct places.

Would it be better to simply scale up the terrain? Also if you’re hoping to preserve the accuracy of the size of the continents, you probably know better than I the mercator projection is the least accurate

Could you split up the heightmap?

not a bad idea actually, ill have a look and see if i can do that