WorldModel Is Now Available

I am not sure if I am doing this incorrectly, I was trying to make something similar to @kenami since I loved it so much.

My problem is the animation is ‘playing’ but it is not moving while the viewport is open:

I’m struggling with this. For an R6 rig, Accessories don’t seem to attach, but if I parent the model to workspace briefly (without even using a wait()), and back into the WorldModel, it works fine.

It’s fine for R15. Not really sure if I’m doing something wrong or it’s a bug.

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The first thing I’m going to try with this is making a TV that your character can jump into and walk around in, this sounds really, really cool. Thanks for the surprise update, engineers!

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Found a bug where humanoid’s display name is visible in workspace when parented to world model.


it will be insertable through Studio next week

It’s not supported, but it shouldn’t crash. Do you have a place file I can use to repro the issue?

thanks, i’ll take a look into this


Does this mean now I can use Pathfinding in ViewportFrame? I’m trying to make a GPS before, but turned out to be really expensive. If it does, then it will take less time to make something like that.

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What would be really nice would be a way to insert terrain into world models :fox_face:

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You can create it with then in play test just copy it and stop testing. then paste it in edit mode

Or you could just create it in edit mode with the command bar and avoid the hassle of entering play mode.

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oh yeah! i never use that though

I’m experiencing this issue as well.

From what I can tell is if you make the viewport not visible after playing an animation, then rendering just stops for some reason.


This is nice.
I personally have no use for it, but someday I may do.

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As others (@eIiphant and @Stratiz) have mentioned, the WorldModel stops updating the viewport out of nowhere. This behavior happens to every viewport in my game each time I load a model into one. The only way to update the viewport after this occurs is by changing CFraming of the rig inside of the WorldModel or toggling the viewport’s visibility (I.E updating the viewport). I hope this gets fixed soon. For the meantime I will have to stick to the old method of copying the CFrame of an invisible rig in the workspace.

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Yes clothes would have to be included so I would be using humanoids. The only moving objects in the mirror would be the players (and only players within the room) so the rest of the room could be prebuilt inside the viewport frame. I would only end up tracking positions of people in the room and moving the humanoids in the viewport frame accordingly (and animating them).

I’m also getting the same issue.
If you jitter the PrimaryPartCFrame of the character in the frame every render step, that works too. But hopefully a real fix will come.

I wonder if can WorldModel be used for making first-person hands in shooting games :thinking:

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Yes, however the aforementioned bug where viewport frames don’t always redraw on animation updates makes you have to do some weird hacks to get it to update.

Also, there’s some really weird artifacting and blurriness at 1080p.

Also also, you have to manually update the lighting to match the sun direction every frame, and if you wanted it to work indoors and stuff you’d have to do some really fancy ray casting.


PSA: Mobile hasn’t force upgraded to the version that has this change yet so if you incorporate this into your game, mobile users might not see it atm if they are on an old version.

Source: Tested it on mobile myself before and after updating the Roblox app

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