WorldToViewportPoint with a ViewportFrame and a Camera inside?

Hey, I’m building a multiplayer version with multiple maps based on a quite popular video game Five Night’s At Freddy’s.
Since I’m scripting a “FNAF Camera” system I’m using ViewportFrames to build a “Minimap” with the walls in my workspace parts completely done with scripting. (Shown with a red arrow in the screenshot)

It’s working fine until I want to use WorldToViewportPoint to get a 2D position of a World position depending of the ViewportCamera. It returns false and don’t give me the position. So the TextButtons (Blue circle) isn’t placed correctly on the small red circles.

I already used WorldToViewportPoint on other projects before including creating a new instance of a camera to check if an NPC sees a player, it looks like Cameras can’t be placed inside ViewportFrames.

-- We create a new camera to put it in the viewportframe
local ViewportCamera ="Camera")
ViewportCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
ViewportCamera.FieldOfView = 90
ViewportCamera.CFrame = ((CurrentMap.Gameplay.Roof.CFrame -,CurrentMap.Gameplay.Roof.Position.Y,0)) +,Height,0)) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,0)
ViewportCamera.Parent = ViewportFrame
ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = ViewportCamera

-- For each camera (part) in the folder, we get his 2d position using WorldToViewportPoint
for i, camera:BasePart in pairs(CurrentMap.Cameras:GetChildren()) do
	local vector:Vector2, onScreen:bool = ViewportCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(camera.Position *,0,1))
	print(onScreen) -- returns false for absolutely no reasons
	local CamButton = Template:Clone()
	CamButton.Position = UDim2.fromOffset(vector.X, vector.Y)
	CamButton.Text = "CAM ".. i
		for _,cambutton in pairs(ViewportFrame.Map:GetChildren()) do
			CamButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(22, 22, 26)
		CamButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(103, 217, 27)
	CamButton.Parent = ViewportFrame.Cameras

Okay so when I wrote the code I was looking at the API Reference here:

It returned a vector3 that is intended to be used with UDim2.fromScale instead of UDim2.fromOffset.
Which is totally not what the API Reference instructed.

I sadly can’t report it myself since I don’t have the permission to send a bug report in the devforum for some reasons.