Worth of Game Lobby

I’m trying to find the value of this build, I’ve posted it on asset marketplace but I’ve been getting conflicting prices. So I just wanted to double-check and see what other people will think of the lobby.
The Lobby:


I have not seen your post on the asset marketplace yet, so my response is unbiased. I would say around 800 robux. It is low, but it is in my opinion fitting.

The build quality is not as up to par compared to newer builds on ROBLOX. Some assets used are more high quality than others. The quality overall is not consistent throughout the map, some parts are detailed, some are bland.

You have a good base, but I’d suggest adding more on top of it to get a higher value.

I’d price your build around 2000-3500 robux.

I mainly gave the price leverage because of the building next to the well. If you can improve on the design and add an interior the price of the map will go up. As of right now the map is pretty bland.

You should add some foliage like dead trees or bushes. Also the text at the lava obby area does not really fit. Add a layer of lava so that when you fall you’re not falling on to the ground but actually dying in lava. That way the obby will better fit the theme.

Good luck on selling, and hope you take what I said in consideration!

I’d say that your lobby would possibly be worth 500 robux as there is a lot of detail that could potentially be added to raise the amount.
I recommend adding some vegetation such as: dead trees, grass, bushes, etc.
You could possibly add a bucket hanging over the lava in the well.
Adding more detail can potentially raise the price to over 1000 robux.

The square fencing and certain blocky elements with a classic Roblox feel don’t seem to match the nicely detail water well, and the high poly 3D letters. You also have a building that is kind of half way between the two, with a strangely higher quality roof than its walls and shape, and a huge solid white door(?).

I think the inconsistency in the design is most likely what led to your inconsistency of prices presented in marketplace. A more consistent design is likely to get more consistent prices.

Personally? I’d be hard pushed to pay over 1000 for this without requesting modifications of models and parts from all the conflicting styles. Others might pay more or less depending on which bit of the map they are focused on and how many modifications they already know they need to make. That’s why you’ll see a range.

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The lobby itself does not look bad by any means and actually looks rather detailed and pleasing. The only concern I would have is that if it’s a lobby it is a little too open in my opinion which can lead to boredom vs a more closed lobby which keeps people engaged mentally. Just a thought, the actual construction of the lobby looks great though. I would sell this somewhere between 600-800 robux.

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I’ve noticed the pictures make the map seem quiet big, but in reality it really is not that big, would a link to the game be better?

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I think the lobby currently is worth 750-1250 robux but if you add more detail, it would be worth a lot more.

It looks pretty good so far. Good work!

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Woah this lobby is really cool!

I would price it maybe 600 - 950 robux you’ve done a great job there!

You could maybe add more detail to the lobby maybe on the parkour add some lava beneath!
That might raise the price a bit more!

Happy Holidays! :grinning: :christmas_tree:

Your lobby doesn’t really look eye-appealing imo. It lacks details and some of the areas just feel so empty. I suggest that you keep on adding things like a lava waterfall or a few dead trees and bushes to give more personality to this lobby. I really like the well in the first image since it looks detailed, maybe you could add more buildings that looks detailed as that well.
For now, I think that the price of this lobby should be from 500-850 Robux.

wow, that’s really good, the only thing I think you should do that wasn’t mentioned here, is that the chimney looks strange, it would look better if it looked more like bricks than tiles :wink:.

In my opinion, selling things that no one asked for has no real market value and that is why they get lowballed 24/7. An analogy would be:

Map A) Let’s say you’ve made a map that has a quality of 4(out of 5 stars or something) and you put it on the market. It gets fished up for 10k

Map B) Someone requests another map with the quality of 4. Do you know how much you could get for that? At least 12-15x more than map A. Why is that? Because people aren’t buying your asset, they are buying your brand. They want to own it and the value of that map often exceeds that of an amateur’s expectations.

I have used this for myself for many years and only recently have I found someone able to articulate it well enough for me. I HIGHLY recommend any builder or designer to THOROUGHLY watch every minute of this video.

You may have questions as “why are you linking a video about logos”. It is because it can be applied in almost anything in your life. You’ll understand much better after you’ve watched the full video. Get some popcorn and a blanket. It is a pretty lengthy one.