Would a game asking for a users birthday be against ToS?g

I had an idea for a game that essentially just lets people set their birthday and view other people who share the same birthday. I was just curious if asking for their birthday would be considered as “collecting personal information”

The game would be storing the birthdays on Roblox servers and not logging so therefore it is GDPR Compliant, but im not sure if it is compliant with Roblox’s personal terms.

Alternatively, could I just ask for the month and day and not the year?


I think if it’s just month and day it would be fine. Don’t take this as a definitive source, but I’m pretty sure just the month and day would be fine since it doesn’t imply actual age. Asking for a year is very likely against TOS.


Not a lawyer.

Generally speaking, basic information like birthdays and just birth months can be classified as personally identifiable information (PII) and should be avoided.

Context usually plays a pretty big role in this kind of stuff but making a game that allows other people to see your birth month could be construed as a violation of the ToS since you would be allowing people to possibly identify other players.


You should probably make it the day and the month only. However, I’d advise against doing this.

You might be able to get away with it if the user info is not stored. However, it might be perceived differently by players who like reporting games for the smallest of reasons. Unless it was anonymous, however that would defeat the purpose.

Yes, it’s against the Roblox rules to collect personal information such as birthdays.

However, you can auto-generate a random date and month, and make that the user’s birthday in the game.

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I made a post that got taken down about this a few years ago, and no it isn’t allowed unfortunately.

It was posted back in December 2020, so maybe Roblox might have relaxed a few things since then, but it seems unlikely.



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