Would a hacking simulator break terms

Hey I was wondering if a hacking simulator break any of Roblox terms as long as it was for good use to stop a made up player named “CorruptMcBlingBling” I have taken this user name so no other players can use it and claim It’s offensive to them. It’s going to be about white top hackers and you’re trying to stop them. Please let me know thanks from John.

Please do not take this idea!

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As long as you don’t use real hacks in your game, it should be fair to use. Using real hacks would be allowing a user to use third party hacks in your game.


Yeah I don’t plan on doing that lol.

Then have at it!


Roblox Watch Dogs did this back in the day from what I remember Roblox featured it on many of their streams. You should be fine as also flee the facility does this as well.

Even if it included examples of real hacks (such as SQL Injection or SSRF), then that’s simply education, I see no reason why this would ever be banned.

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There was a game where you just hack stuff as a hacker like watchdogs that was featured a month or two ago so you are fine if you do something similar :yum:

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Yeah I didn’t think of that. I remember Max made a review on this back in like 2015 do you know why it’s under review? Copy right?

Yeah I know but Hackr isn’t the same concept as I have.

Whatever your game concept is, just make sure it isn’t a direct red flag. You’ll have to find a loophole within the TOS.

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Most likely from my guess.

A hacking simulator where no real “hacking” or coding takes place should be completely fine.

I was on the Super Paper Roblox team and we had a major plot character that was an “evil hacker”

Just make sure no actual harm can come from the game, and maybe even display a notice somewhere in the description that the game is intended for roleplay use only and doesn’t intend to encourage real hacking.

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