Would a studio-like game be a good idea?

I was in the middle of making a game and thought, “Is this a good idea?” I was making a remake of the roblox website, that actually has its own studio. You could upload games to it. It uses the SAVE/ CREATE place api to make the games, and the games would show on the games page. But my question is, is this a good idea? I think this would be fun just for me to learn some stuff, and it would be pretty cool. I am just wondering if other people would have the same point of view. Thanks!


Yeah, that would be pretty funny and cool.

Funny because it’s like Roblox Studio, In Roblox, Made with Roblox Studio
Cool because it is a really creative idea that would make a really good game.

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Please make this, I would definitely play it.


Thanks for the feedback. I also think this would be a good idea because, again, it is creative and cool, but also the fact that you could make games on mobile (kinda)

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yeah, defently giving mobile players the chance to innovate would be awesome. In Fact, You should make a whole game called Mobile Studio were people on Mobile can.

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This a very good idea, I would definitely play a game like that. As @AidanPlaysYT_Real said this would be a good way to innovate the mobile gameplay of Roblox.

Best wishes,


I actually think that could be an amazing idea! You could try to incorporate aspects that are in Roblox Studio into your game to help teach younger kids how to use Roblox Studio. If more kids know how to use Roblox Studio, this could be a good thing for the future of Roblox itself because more kids might be making games that many others would want to play. I would love to see something like that. :smile: :+1:

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I agree with you on that. The only thing is that the studio aspect for mobile is kind of hard to make, which is probably exactly why there is no studio for mobile.

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Hm, I’m not sure, does it seem like something people would come back to?

If you don’t think so, I’d recommend making Gamepasses/DevProducts that are easily accessible and would improve their first experience. Or if you think people will come back, still think about making purchasable products. That doesn’t necessarily mean lock things behind paywalls, but you could just add extra content that people would want.

A way to get people coming back to the game could be it having its own currency (I wouldn’t recommend making it called “Robux” or “Tix” due to moderation). This could possibly be used to advertise their games, unlock special items/accessories to add to their character in-game or whatever your heart desires. I’m just spitballing here…

However, I do believe this would be good fun. If you aren’t enjoying working on it, then you shouldn’t work on it or you should try something else. I do encourage you to work on it though.

Yes that would be extremely difficult to use on mobile. Hence why you should make the game only available to PC/Mac users since only they have access to Roblox Studio.

This… I’m not sure about. It really just matters about what appeals to the player. Although, the in-game currency sounds like a really great idea. The advertising I’m not sure about, since my current code just loads the games in the order they were put in the table, although I’m willing to make that if I have to.

you could make it TEACH kids studio and that’s what keeps them coming back!

Eh… why not? Maybe I will add a tutorials feature. I am also planning to let the players make scripts using loadstring.

I would love this please do! Trust me tho it will be a hard journey.

Oh my god, I’m a idiot. I published the game on a alt account.

I remember a while back there used to be an exploit going around that had the toolbox in it where you could actually insert models from the toolbox. MAYBE you can use the toolbox like the exploit did inside your game. That would be pretty neat. From what I heard the exploit had a exact version of the toolbox.

But… how would I actually get the models from toolbox? :thinking:

I found this in Roblox Studio’s Files.

Toolbox.rbxm (260.9 KB)

I think I will just make my own custom toolbox, especially since there is a bunch of viruses, and all of the game uses Save / Create place API, so if someone gets a virus in their game, it can get me banned.