Would a website where users can buy and sell assets be against ToS?

Would a website where people can buy and sell Roblox assets for games (models, scripts, GFX, etc) be against any Roblox ToS? I have scanned over it and nothing stands out that says it would be, but I want to be 100% certain before I start development. I will be taking certain steps to prevent scams (like having moderators check that someone is delivering what they say they are before they receive the money, etc, along with AI predictive algorithms to predict possible scams and bots). I have never seen this type of website before (aside from limited trading sites) and I think that it could be super successful. I have seen forums with selling/hiring categories before, but I think that an entire website dedicated to it would be really good.

This website will NOT be a limited trading site


Buying or selling assets on Roblox for real-world currency is against the ToS.


It isn’t via real world currency.

Edit: And the selling of groups and games also won’t be allowed.

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The solution that was posted is incorrect. Roblox does not even own the rights to models, scripts, or art. It is completely allowed to make this. The original poster did not mention selling R$!

“AI predictive algorithms” that’s a bit unnecessary, though.


I think like most things on the platform, this is a grey area. It shouldn’t be against the rules given that people already sell assets for robux/real money. If it wasn’t allowed, communities like Hidden Developers would not exist.

While I think this is a good idea, it sorta rules out the purpose of having a #public-collaboration and #collaboration channel, and you’ve got the issues with middle men and trying to assure people don’t get scammed on the platform.

As Roblox has stated, time and time again, any assets that you create yourself, you are allowed to distribute. What isn’t allowed is the distribution of items created by Roblox, another copyright holding business, or other players unless they have explicitly deemed otherwise (which is always very rare). But as I said, this is a grey area and you should investigate more in the ToS to find out more.


The reason that I want to make this site is that it is targeted towards everyone, not just DevForum members. There are all of these different forums and Discord server with buying and selling categories, but I want to create a centralised place where anyone can sell (almost) anything Roblox related.

It’s actually not that grey. You can sell assets for USD or any other currency - including R$.

The reason the ToS has that is so the Roblox is not held accountable if one party doesn’t deliver. It should be assumed that - except for Roblox sponsored events - that any deals you make are by yourself.

Think about it, every developer on Collaboration would be banned if this rule in the ToS was explicitly followed.

As for creating an asset marketplace much like the Unity store or other places, as long as you do this correctly I can see this as a good idea.


Thanks for the reply. I think that I’m going to go ahead and start the design process of the site. Let’s hope this site goes well :crossed_fingers:

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Wish you the best of luck!

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What do you mean by “assets”?

I’m pretty sure buying/selling UGC assets for real-world currency is allowed.
The community guidelines you referred to talk only about Robux, game codes and digital goods (which I understand to be catalog items), not UGC like maps, props, scripts etc.

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I answered this question. Please read each reply before posting on a thread (especially if you’re going to contradict the answer).

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I’d say no, if your site just sells the files for the assets (such as .rbxm files) there isn’t anyting Roblox can do to stop you

But can you donate DevEx money made off of Roblox assets or not?
Like, for instance, say you made a “Peter Pan” item (as long as it’s not copyright infringing or if it’s done with permission), and got DevEx money off of its sales. Can you donate a portion of the DevEx money to the Great Ormond St. Hospital for Sick Children (who own the rights to Peter Pan in the U.K.) in London?

Can you rephrase your question please.

Selling money?

Revenue made from assets under a copywrite (with permission by the holder) is still revenue that goes to the asset creator.

As long as it’s with permission.

I meant “donating money.” BTW, the original J.M. Barrie story of Peter Pan is in the public domain in every country except the U.K.

What you do with the revenue - whether donating or keeping it, is your choice. You aren’t legally obligated to pay them if that’s the deal you’ve worked out with them.

And yes I know the copywriter holder of Peter Pan - but let’s stay on topic please.

OK, got it. But I’m not on DevEx anyway and I only meant what I said as an example.