Would I be banned for user generated content in my game?

Hello, I am currently trying to decide if I should continue working on my game which allows people to create things ( specifically UIs ) with no limits. Yes, it does have text filtering. I am going to add a reporting system as well as a text and decal logger, but I’m still concerned. If somebody purposely creates something inappropriate ( for example aligning objects in a specific way to bypass filtering ) and reports the game, would I get banned even if I moderate it every day?

@shopkinspizzas, I don’t think that your game can get banned for showcasing User Created things. Take for example the game “starving artists”. They have a notice when you join that says you WILL be banned if you go against ToS and make inappropriate content. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen, but as long as you show that a specific user made the content and NOT your game, you should be fine. Just, as you said, be sure to moderate it heavily so there is absolutely no chance of your game being flagged for someones actions.

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Thanks for your response. I’ll keep it in mind - and yes, the username of the creator is shown. I’ll make sure to add as many things as I can to make moderation easier, and I’ll be checking every day for rule breakers.

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What about a building game like Minecraft? How would you moderate that?

It depends on how the game is going to work. Will it have “worlds” that people can create and build on, or will everybody be able to build in a single server like those minecraft games in roblox? Either way, you could probably store who places each block.

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