Would I Get Banned For Uploading This?

Hello I am just wondering will I get banned for uploading this picture image


Why do you think you would? I don’t see an issue with it.

Because I have heard lots of people have been getting warnings or bans for uploading things.This is also all black so they might say they cant see it.


If you’re worried you can upload it on an alt. Trust me, this isn’t the kind of thing you’d be IP banned for.


Yes I understand that but I dont want to get a warning either I always get scared when uploading things to roblox.

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Yes, but if it’s on a useless alt, it will not affect your main. I also do get scared with this kind of stuff. (I nearly got TERMINATED, not a temp ban warn for a picture of headphones I drew.)

That’s still pretty scary because isn’t it against the rules to make an alt to upload things.

It’s a simple decal, shouldn’t get warned or banned for that. And uploading something on an alt isn’t against the rules, though correct me if I’m wrong. If the decal or your account is moderated, you can just appeal it. Otherwise I wouldn’t understand how that would get moderated.

(then again it is roblox moderation)


from what ive read you should be fine as long as you don’t create a account to break the rules or reupload already banned asset
However i am not 100% sure

If I were to get moderated and I appeal it wouldnt it take a few days before any admins respond?

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As far as I know, no. If so then roblox could just prevent new accounts on the same ip as an old account from uploading decals.

Then that would be horrible I would not be able to do a lot of things for my models.

It should take around 24-72 hours (1-3 days) before they reach out to you again. It can take longer though, it just depends.

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That seems like a lot of time to be waiting.

What’s wrong with it? It’s fine xD

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There’s no issue with this. You’re free to upload this.

It seems alright! Btw, they will most likely not ban you even if they did not accept it. If you are, it probably would only be for a day or something :grin:

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The image seems okay.

I’m not sure but Roblox moderators who review images are bots.

Anyways, if you get a warning or ban, even a termination then appeal.

Hopefully you do not get warned, banned or even terminated. Its a 50% chance that you will get your image deleted and its a 50% chance you will not recive any moderation action on your account.