Hi, So I am wanting to create a train/transport rail that only uses scripts. Most trains/player transport systems rely on parts to detect when the train is at the station, and to stay on the rail. However, there are always glitches and bugs because Roblox physics and collisions are not incredible. So, it is possible to make an automated system that just moves by itself with a script?
Hope that makes sense, thank you.
yes it is possible to create in studio
I’ve seen multiples places that got monorails which is based on Cframe, so basically yeah scripts.
Could you point me to one? if possible.
You could simply convert the train into a rig and then animate it with something such as MoonAnimator. If not you could tween CFrames like @23avoinea suggeted.
I do not recommend moon animator for such as monorails, because it will be lot of work and choppy. I recommend you to use Cframe.
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I know one video which might be helpful. - YouTube
Yeah the video is pretty long, but like last 10 minutes the streamer is just fooling around.
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