Would it be possible to have a wound system?

Do any of you know how I could implement a wound system for my game? Say like a player has 100 percent health, but as he takes damage decals of wounds begin to appear on his body to indicate he has taken damage. A response mechanic. Thanks.

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do you want that everytime a player gets damages wound be in his skin?
“and that must be in server side of course”

I suppose a local script could work if it accounted for each player on the server and then displayed the damages on their player depending on the health of them? If that makes sense? I’m not really an experienced scripter so I don’t really know what i’m talking about I guess?

yes but how do you want the wound to pop up on the player?

Make a server-side script which keeps track of every player’s health, and places decals around their bodies accordingly.

            -- Place or toggle visibility of wound decals
            -- I'd recommend using small parts welded to different body parts

Depending on their health the decals will appear at different places on their arms, face and body, it would have to account for each surface of the player limb and torso and face. Then, depending on their health show different or random decals from a table for each limb, obviously more will show as the player gets more damaged, so say the player only has 70 percent health remaining then he would only get maybe 3 wounds on a limb but if he’s like 10 percent remaining he’d have them on almost every limb


So you have it just use RicoFox’s script

I’m really not confident with welding parts to the player character - i’m afraid it may break something in the game?

you realy should créate a rig on roblox studio place all the wound that you want and then place it in replicatedstorage and use RicoFox’s script to clone the wound that is in replicatedstorage into the player
and weld it to the player character (“the wound part must be small and cancollide false and not anchored”)

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Something along the lines of if taken damage then woundDecal.Visible = true.
Done in a server script

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yeah we could do that good idea

I think you would have to make those guis above the head but like instead its what you want it to be. here’s a tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfeWj3zGAkM

Well - I already have a character system in place for my game, I could weld parts to it - but i’m unsure of how to do that and make it work.

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