Would it be unfair if I only enable character customization for premium members?

That is kind of true. Might scrap my idea to a new one lol. I don’t want people to waste money for something that’s ‘useless’ (I don’t know the word to describe it)

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Like you said, the premium benefits shouldn’t be added to the avatar customization part of things but in the different aspects of the game.


“not worth it” ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀


You don’t have to scrap it entirely I would just make a game pass instead of making it for premium members only, and you can just add benefits for premium members in other places of the game.


Mhm, since this is a hangout game , how about certain areas that have better features or unreleased parts of the game?


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, like areas available to premium members before they are release to the main public.


This is the type of question that gets subjective answers. At the end of the day, do whatever you want to do. It’s your project. Keep an eye on your analytics. If you think the game could do better if you opened up character customization to everyone and then just monetized specific items instead then go for it.

Otherwise, this is really trial and error. You can’t really throw a question out there like. “Is it fair if I make my game paid access?” Because people who don’t want to pay are going to say it’s “not fair”. At the end of the day, it’s YOU who needs to make the decision.


It does seem a bit unfair. Small perks like buffs in maybe points or so wouldn’t hurt, but a whole Character customization is unfair.


I would suppose it is fair if it is for a hangout game like vibe in NYC.

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It is unfair. Unless you want to have a really small audience, I won’t suggest making that a feature. I play games which aren’t p2w. While that isn’t p2w, it feels like an advantage for people who just paid more money on Roblox. This is why I don’t stay around on games that have an advantage for premium players because they just… exist. I’d only support this if there is a way for non-premium players to also unlock this, whether it be by spending some time in the game or other what not.

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No, I think no. They must be premium. That is making money, when you really feel bad, when you do that, make special hats, shirts for premium!

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If he does that , that is unfair to the other people without prenium. Like i said earlier in the thread, Maybe better features and unreleased parts can be prenium/robux gamepass.

Avatar customisation should be available to everyone to make it fair

I understand that developers need to make money, but you also have to care about the players interest .

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