Would like some feedback on my Showcase

Nothing too much to say, to be honest, that has not been already been said, is a very well-made Showcase and the Buildings look amazing.

This is a very minor complaint but is pretty weird like having Photorealistic vines (The Decal) and blocky vines (Is not really blocky that I don’t know how else to say it)

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Yeah this was originally made back at the start of 2020, but my building has improved a lot since then, with the link above I provided in the message.

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Oh sorry, I should have paid more attention, I will check your newest build.

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This is a really dope showcase, al though the lighting is just a little dark, other than that u good!

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Wow! Thats really nicely done.


This is beautiful - my only suggestion is to limit the amount of use on the same texture, I think there could be other textures used! Please note This is only my opinion! - but as I said, this is still a beautiful build and I can’t wait to see what else you come up with for the ROBLOX community!

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Omg. It looks sooo good. I first found you from the “Sarichia Roblox Showcase” and I was already mind blown from that. NOW I’M EVEN MORE MIND BLOWN. Its looks very good :+1:

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