Would like some feedback on this clock

Hello. I recently made a clock for a map for a game that I am working on, and I would like some feedback.

(I plan on making it functional as a fun little feature.)


does it function in game?(char______)

Not yet, but I plan on it. Character limit.

Nice and simple, I like it. Maybe make the hour hand as slim as the minute hand?

I just spent about 3 hours trying to make it functional. I have still not succeeded. I would include a video, but it is going so terribly that I don’t think I will.

That’s a nice looking clock you get there! Good luck trying to make it function though! :open_mouth:

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Well, I’m close I guess…
ClockVideoBad1.wmv (1.8 MB) I don’t know how to make the video show up on the actual website :man_shrugging:
I’m going to just come back to this tomorrow. I have no idea what’s going on and it’s pretty much still doing the same thing.