Would Loading Things From ServerStorage to Workspace (When Necessary) Reduce Lag? Worth it?

Okay, the question is pretty simple:

In my upcoming game, the cruise ship will likely have up to 700 rooms onboard the ship. I developed a system where the room would only load in if a player purchased a room thus, fewer parts in Workspace. Basically, when a player buys a room it transfers from ServerStorage to Workspace. When a player sells their room, it goes from Workspace to ServerStorage. I thought that this may reduce lag since there would be fewer rooms in the game (maybe up to like 30 rooms instead of 700). However, Iā€™m concerned about if players continually buy and sell rooms if that would cause mini-lag spikes.

Should I transfer the rooms from replicated storage instead?
Should I not do the transfer system altogether?
Should I keep the system?

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Just add a cooldown for players buying and selling rooms, that should fix the spam buying and selling. Also, stick to ServerStorage unless you need the client to access the rooms before they get into workspace.

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Yeah, I added a debounce of around 5 seconds to prevent players from spamming loading and unloading rooms.

You should should load all of the internal room stuff locally for players standing in the room.

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That might be a good idea to load in the room when they walk in on the client. Thanks for the idea.