Would nanites be possible?

I’m making an astroneer type game and astroneer uses nanites for optimization and better user experience and I want to think if it’s possible on roblox studio since it isn’t a powerful engine bub it gets you somewhere if you want to see my astroneer post here’s a link :slight_smile:

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Im confused what exactly are nanites and the link isnt working

idk abt the link ill fix that but nanites are somthing from unreal engine heres a blog post link https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/nanite-virtualized-geometry-in-unreal-engine/

fixed the link to the other post

Yeah man… from the looks of it roblox is no where near ready for that sort of stuff

I mean I’m not even sure how youd start coding that

if you dont understand nanites still nanites cut up a mesh that have a big tri count and makes performance better for the game and the user

damn man thought it would be possible kinda like rtx in roblox :skull:

Cant you just make the mesh have less tris in something like Blender or Maya?

What sets nanites apart?

yeah you can nanites just does it a little better

What exactly are you creating that you need to use NANITES for?

for a astroneer game im trying to make it uses a nantie technique to have a ton of things rendered at once

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i could try to do it but i have to dumb it down

Uhhhh looking at a random YT video Astroneer has quite low poly terrain and the other geometry doesn’t appear especially high res either, and on top of that there’s not much on screen at any one time. IMO you don’t need anything like Nanite to make an Astroneer clone in Roblox. Look in to StreamingEnabled if you need very large game worlds, or implement your own streaming or level-of-detail system.

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true i will probably look into streamingenabled

You could look into using an Octree for calculating visible terrain “chunks”, but this is so complicated that you should wait until you actually have performance trouble. You can make other design choices to limit how much terrain has to be loaded at once, like only showing terrain pieces that are on the outer surface and not boxed in. Minecraft does this.

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