I have an idea for a “google AdSense” of sorts in a Roblox game. Advertisers could pay and When people add the Advertising system to the game they could make robux. The only question is would giving robux to players be allowed?
As long as it isn’t a giveaway and you give it through group funds or something it should be fine. This is really pretty much a grey line and there isn’t really a concise answer.
Here’s a related article: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/giving-access-to-a-paid-place/339066
Nope. That’s the short answer. Roblox doesn’t approve of giving money out to players, only developers. That’s always been the case and I don’t see them changing it soon.
That shouldn’t stop us from giving them in game currency, while still collecting ad impressions through google. Mir?
This would be robux and not google adsence but a custom developed system.
No, you can’t giveaway robux as it’s against roblox’s TOS.
It wouldnt be a giveaway. Would that still count as one?
Players cant receive robux. Unless through groups. But id be careful.
I’m saying, wouldn’t some video ads (done right, people :p) be an interesting revenue boost for devs?
It would go through a group and video ads are a good idea.
I’d say no. This is a pretty tough question to answer, but to stay on the safer side, I’d say no. Giving away Robux is against the Roblox Terms of Service, and Roblox has had a past of taking action against users who have given away robux, whether it be won or just given. I know your intent is not to just give away the robux, but to earn it through in-game things, but it can often be perceived as an attempt to give away robux. So, for your account safety and your game’s safety, I’d suggest not doing it.
Giving players robux in general is against the TOS.
Oh, Alright then I will have to re think this.