Would Roblox tag this WW2 Germany Logo?

I want to make a WW2 based history, roleplay & military game, but well… you got Germany.
I don’t want to use the Weimar or current Germany flag, so the WW1 flag would be probably the smartest choice.

But well… what about the iron cross?
Do you guys think I can use any of the following:

The Iron Cross; (Centuries old icon in German culture, for honor and bravery; and used by the Kingdom of Prussia)


If you look at it from a different angle, it looks like a rotated logo of roblox studio with a cross inside (pretty neat, intentional?)
I think the first logo should be ok (but for safety, upload it on a different account in case of a ban), but the second one is questionable.

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In the Roblox rules, they say that you are not allowed to make logos or symbols depicting a tragic event. (Like 9/11)

Seriously man, the second one is obviously against community guidelines what are you thinking??

I don’t know if roblox’s automoderation will flag this but know that uploading this to Roblox is definitely against the Community Standards. You shouldn’t do it.


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All of them will be rejected. Using the iron cross usually is disallowed, no matter. You’d have to use the plain German Empire flag, without insignia.

German Bundeswehr (current military of Germany) still uses that cross.
Check on the Leopard tanks that are used today; it got an iron-cross on it’s side.


Well in reality the American flag can also refer to many tragic events, first they’ve killed almost all the locals, then sold African slaves across the country, and in modern times they’ve funded many wars in Asia and the Middle East.
Does that make the flag offensive? Yes.
But again, as long as if it’s used appropriately, it is allowed.
Therefore, an iron cross shouldn’t be a problem as long as if it’s not directly linked with the holocaust.


The American flag isn’t infamous for the listed above unlike some German flags, and most of that you named was at different points in history, I feel like Roblox might allow it because it’s not a swastika for example.

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I’m not so sure about this but the roblox moderators won’t know what they will use it for, they will just flag if it’s fine or not fine.


this feels very familiar to this one german man…

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The Iron cross in my opinion is pretty borderline, you will get some people who will say its as bad as the swastika, and others who will find it completely fine. That said, due to the sensitivity around the topic, I would leave it out just in case.

I’m sorry but:


At least the DevForum logo isn’t like that