Would the roblox community like to see this game?

I decided to start development on a new game, a game like Capture the Flag. It should be very unique, as it has different gamemodes/mutations.
Some of them are:

  • Melee only
  • Super speed
  • Rockets only
  • I’m still thinking of more

I’ll have it almost like Arsenal, where you vote for a map, a type of team (2 teams, 4 teams), but not a gamemode. The gamemode will be randomly picked.

It will be released in Pre-Alpha or just Alpha.

Would you like to see this?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


It all depends on the types of games you like.
Personally I am not fond of CTF games, especially when it’s in a FPS. But I definitely do know people who like CTF. I personally do not think CTF games belong in FPS games (though Phantom Forces handles it very well) but that’s not to say nobody would like it. If this isn’t a FPS game and entirely based around CTF it could work as a game.

It just all depends on what you like. Needless to say you should keep working on it.


Most people said yes, so I am starting development on the game!


Ill say yes because games like this game help the roblox community grow and on the other hand most of the people said yes…

Yeah. There aren’t really many Capture the Flag games (basically none), so it would kinda be original if I make it original enough!

hmm, true but it is you imagination so you can do what you think will help your game :grinning:!