Would these NPC be okay for Roblox game? Hate to animate them not be able to use them

As the title says would they be alright? This would be for my first game I ever created. So I’m not 100% sure what’s allowed on Roblox nor do I play Roblox to know what’s allowed. Only played for like 5mins to see how top games were made.
If needed to know I created them didn’t take them from anyone.


i don’t think that would be ok tho ;-; quite disturbing


Should be okay if you have a gore toggle button.


Definitely not. I’d highly recommend redoing them.


The last one is genuinely disturbing. Sorry man, this is 100% not allowed.


Man I thought so, at least they not my best work. Good practice to work on though

DAMN MAN! those be lookin really sick! If I was you I would use em even if i got banned but 1 thing the heads are weird. Also yea that would kinda get you in trouble but not banned I guess.

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I know Right I have whole bunch more ideals for more NPC like that. But I’ll just hold them off for now maybe use a different platform in the future like unity. But not shabby for 4 months of experience with everything.

its looks epic beautiful even! roblox won’t give a shrimp if you have a gore toggle make sure to have it default to off


These look sick. Awesome man. I personally like the crawling one and the one with no legs. Nice job! :+1:t3:

These are awesome, I would err on the side of caution because we all know how Roblox is. Definitely agree with having a gore toggle setting though.

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This runs a fine line between gore and disturbing content. Gore is 100% allowed on Roblox, but disturbing content… not so much. Because “disturbing content” is really case-by-case to the moderators, I would recommend weighing the pros and cons of the risk you take by using the models.

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Roblox would definitely ban your game once they see this. If it was just bloody it would be fine but the problem is that you can see the actual insides of them like their bones and brains. If you made the chunks taken out of them just a little bit smaller, I think it should be fine to use.

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This is definitely not okay for Roblox. Looks good in a gory and disturbing way though.

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