Would this banner be allowed on Roblox?

I recently saw a show about an alien invasion, which also contained a proxy government under the control of these invaders.

I wanted to try and make something based on that show, but the problem is the branding of said proxy governement.

Pretty sure the inspiration for their flag is pretty clear. I think actually making something like this in a game would be questionable. Not necessarily a Nazi flag, but still around there.

The show didn’t really expect the target audience of Roblox to watch it either (16+), so maybe this wasn’t such a big issue for their production team, but not mine.


Any thoughts?

should be fine as long as nothing relates to it I believe.

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It’s an authoritarian government that it represents. I’m making this post because as a moderator I’d take this as a Nazi reference not one to a Sci-Fi show.

The colors can be a reference, but overall I think its ok. Just try uploading it with a safe name that doesn’t say “war” or anything of that type, my suggestion would be “eagle flag”. If it doesn’t get accepted, you can appeal here: ( https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000272703-Appeal-Your-Content-Moderation )