I was thinking on a possible feature for my train game. If a player is to get hit by a train going at a certain speed, kill them. Most players seem to be alright with this being added, but I’m still unsure.
Some more context (unnecessary, you can skip it if you’d like): The game is a roleplay game where you can play as trains and roleplay as their driver or as the train themselves (the trains are alive).
Do you think this would be a good feature?
adds more to roleplay
makes lethal train crashes easier to do since they’ll be automatic
realistic, people tend to not be able to survive being hit by trains
can possibly be used to annoy players (although it’d technically be their fault for standing on the tracks)
if engine spawners are to be spammed, the game can become unplayable as the engines overlap and fling
Add it as it seems a great I vote yes! To the second con though you could make it so that if something (a train in your case) is already in a specified area then don’t allow more to spawn at that specific area.
If it’s a roleplay game, it should not kill them. It should just ragdoll them until they decide to get up. Then, the user can play dead and reset if they actually wanted to die.
From what I’ve seen, the average players of train games don’t understand simple stuff (since a lot of them are young). So if they were to ragdoll, they probably wouldn’t know how to un-ragdoll. Killing them would be quicker and easier. Although, I do see your point.
I was planning on doing the update anyways, this post was just to confirm that the majority of people wanted it done. So I’m pretty sure this is the right topic.
THis is not the right topic. You’re seeking game design support, design classifies as a feature you want in a game. YOu should be posting this in game design support not development discussion.