Would this be aloud for me to make on the forum?


I had an Idea of something that would be cool.
Basically sort of like a game-jam except there is no reward or winning,

Basically People gather together and make games.
The games are made based off of a certain prompt.

And they create the game about a week.

My questions are:

  • Is this aloud on the forum?
  • If not where could I do this.
  • If I can which category can I put this in?

I just think we need more people to come together as a community and do things together.



Not sure if it is allowed, because there isn’t really a category for this type of stuff.

Maybe Developer Discussion? But also maybe not.
Creations feedback might work, but it’s not exactly help/feedback.
Bulletin board is obviously most fitting, but no one really looks there to find things like this.

Perhaps find a way to ask a staff member.

If you can’t do it here (and I assume not as this is mostly a help forum), try to do it in a Roblox group, a Discord server, Guilded, etc.