So I was thinking about creating a new series of games which are dioramas of historical events like WWI and WWII but I was thinking that not many people would play or enjoy these type of games because Roblox is aimed at kids and not the people like me. I was just thinking that I am making a game for the wrong audience, what do you think and would you play them?
I first have to say that you shouldn’t regret it if you’ve tried. Instead you should regret it if you haven’t tried. What does this mean? It mean that you should try anything if you think you have even the smallest chance of succeeding!
WW1 WW2? The Idea is great. I actually love it and can’t wait to play it once it’s out. There not really a game like that yet. What you should try to do is to plan it good and try creating something like no one has ever before. Get your head around it, try to get some inspiration from google by searching up some information and create a game like never before and it’ll blow all the other games away.
I’ve created games for people and I never thought they would succeed with them but they did. (Life is crazy)
I hope this will help you
- Cheerful
Thank you so much for that motivation. I will start my first one in a few days, any ideas what it should be?
Hey, A question, would you like to help me build them?
I would play these types of games on Roblox if they are well made. I would figure an older audience on Roblox would play this, but I may be wrong
Here’s what I think a lot of roblox players want;
Singleplayer Campaign.
I would absolutely love to see a WWI/WWII game based primarily on a singleplayer experience with a genuine story to tell rather than a multiplayer game acting as a RPG or FPS. It would be awesome to be a pilot for the Berlin Airlift or be a soldier at the Siege of Stalingrad! If your game was made into a single player experience you have found your crowd. There are already a lot of RPG games in WWI/WWII and a lot of FPS games that’ve already done what you might be thinking of doing, if you made a singleplayer game I am quite certain you would have a massive fanbase on your side wanting to see what it could be in the future.
tl;dr if you’re thinking of making a WWI/WWII game make it have a singleplayer campaign, I and a lot of other roblox players would absolutely love to see that be a thing on roblox.
Would you be interested in helping if I was to make that a game?
For certain! I’d love to help if it meant more games like this got put out onto roblox.
You can add me; twxtchy#1398
OK I will add you
Ok if you can accept we will get onto creating
I’m really busy, I’d like to help but I can’t.
Sounds lovely, it would be fairly popular with colonial/war groups. I love different types of games – this wouldn’t be as popular as sims but itd be popular with the right people. this game doesnt sound like it could be replayed though, so you’d gain even less people. I’d love to see you try as you can’t get anywhere or see if it’d become anything without trying. hope this helped