This logo I made has a pentagram and the sigil of lucifer. Both seemingly should be allowed on Roblox, but it keeps getting denied. If anyone knows why or maybe if it IS against TOS, please help me out. (Yes I’ve tried changing the file name, and uploading one with changed details.) (The Sigil of Lucifer is a satanic symbol representing freedom and independence.)
To me considering quite a few people also use that symbol here and there I’m guessing it’s fine.
If it was against terms then you would’ve gotten an account warning already.
Then why wont it upload? I’ve tried many times with different file names, detail changes, full color changes. Im stuck at what to do.
i would recommend you to go to then select the Moderation category, and select Appeal Account or Content. After that, descibe your issue to them and they may help or you message @Mod_Review_Requests they can help you also.
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