Would this rig get banned?

I’m working on my first rig for my game (not to be published in the marketplace)

I wasn’t planning on giving the rig any clothing. I’m still relatively new to rigging, this thing alone took me a month to figure out. The normals (how lighting reflects the character) might also be ruined with clothing, so I feel a bit stuck if this is bannable.

What are your thoughts?

Is the white figure how it appears in game (without the bones of course) or are you going to put a Texture on it as well?

If it’s all white, or its the greys and blues as well, I wouldn’t see why it’d be banned.

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It is textured to be fully white, with a mild orange blush on it’s face and black eyes/brows. The blue and greys are affected by lighting

I can’t see why it’d be moderated. There’s nothing that would need to be covered up.

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