Would this system get my game taken down?

So I’m creating a game based off the anime “High-Rise Invasion” and obviously in that anime one of the first mechanics in the world is happy masks pushing people to the edge of jumping off. So I TRIED to kind of bend that mechanic in a way that wouldn’t be presented in the way of suicide while still keeping it as canon as possible.

This is the game link, it’s hard to test the “urge” mechanic without another player atm but when you take damage from someone using a happy mask your urge bar goes up, and when it reaches the top it takes control of your player and walks them to the nearest opening in the fences and makes you jump off.

So I was wondering if this is pushing what is allowed on roblox.

Well lets see the majority

  • Yes it will get taken down
  • No it wont

0 voters

I think it will, in my opinion


Being a mechanic of the game, players don’t really have the option to avoid it. Widely publicized and existing on the front page, this mechanic would entertain a lot of controversy.

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Game looks decent. The idea, not so much.

I’ll play it safe and change the system’s appearance, the end goal will remain the same:

Instead of making the player walk off the edge, every 0.1 seconds there is a 1/100 chance that you will get thrown off the edge by an unknown force. To make it more roblox friendly. :sweat_smile:

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I don’t think that it will be taken down because Roblox has a reset button

I know it’s not the same, but I still think it will be fine