Would this thumbnail be allowed?

It’s for my shooting game, would it be allowed? (pretty obvious what its referencing haha)


Woah, is it a insurance simulator??

Im not sure, read the rules, but I think this is not allowed.


Nah lol
You can playtest it here blood game - Roblox

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Meh, I don’t think it’s that obvious. The fact that you mentioned that it was referencing something was the only way I knew it was referring to something.

I didn’t even get it even after I saw the reference part of this topic.

I thought about it and realized.
Yes, this thumbnail is allowed though because Roblox doesn’t know you are referencing Luigi playing Among Us in real life.
Make sure you set your game rating to 13+ before doing it though if you haven’t already.

I didn’t think it was what it was but it’s a really good thumbnail I would click lol


I have no idea what it’s referencing, but if it’s referencing a real event where someone was shot or there was a shooting; it’s not allowed. Recreations of real-world shocking events are against the ToS.

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its referencijng

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I don’t always understand jokes or references (not neurotypical) but if you mean the real-world shocking event of the CEO murder last week by a man named Luigi… then no… this wouldn’t be allowed.

It, by definition isn’t allowed.

Would Roblox allow it? Probably.

Roblox AI Doesn’t get such a reference, therefore he likely won’t get in trouble either way.