If not, let me know why!
Definitely would click, a retro house being burnt down seems like a fun game, not to mention the text makes the icon stand out more
Good to sponsor then?
- Yeah!
- Maybe
- NO!
0 voters
Definite answer:
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Hey, why don’t you just test sponsor to have the CTR, to see the performances objectively? Put in around 50 Robux worth of credits and you’ll have an accurate estimation. If you need help for long term campaign projections by experience and mathematics I can help you for free, just send DM.
Thanks for the idea p, but I respectfully decline your help; I think I can manage.
Oh I didn’t mean long term help, I meant an immediate calculation for the long term performances. Hoped this may have clarified a bit. Dw tho
Should I use this icon, my group icon, instead? https://tr.rbxcdn.com/446b228916e938f3e67b162aec5282ca/150/150/Image/Webp
- Use the icon you just sent
- Use the old icon
- Use a different icon (reply)
0 voters
I’m using the new icon:
I dont think that 50 robux is enough to get an estimation
It is enough to get a CTR estimation. The one that you achieve will not have more than 1% in difference compared to a 10K bid.