Would You Commission Me For Text Logos?

Who would want to copy that? (No offense)

Its good, but i’ve seen similar photoshop plugins that can use fonts and generate fonts like this, but overall A+

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I would definitley commission you if I could. How do you make those logos?

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I use Photopea and blending effects :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry about it. It’s highly unlikely someone would have the exact same studio name with all the unique words.

I know people who would think about it. It is just to scare those people.


I would hire you, the stuff you made is pretty sick and I can sense the simulator aesthetic in it. It’s so simple but so amazing at the same time.

Keep up the great work!

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10/10! i have sent you a friend request on discord Aq_ount#6624 :smiley: