Would you play a game that looks like this?

This all makes sense, but I’m curious as to why you mentioned release date. Why is that an important aspect for you?

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i don’t really enjoy 2020+ games, so thats why i like the release date.
here are some games i enjoy:

i enjoy this game because it is just, fun.

dont ask if i have a fear of mushrooms (i do, that doesnt mean go spam me pictures of them)

this was created in 2022, but it is very enjoyable for me, as it has a good concept and all.

an eerie game, really easy for me to enjoy, as it feels off for a roblox game.

all i can say is, an absolutely good game.

games i hate:

you will rarely see me playing this, as it is very hitbox-based, and in turn, has many annoyances due to me trying to time it based on the ball, not the hitbox.

literally just gambling.


used to like this but then the lore got goddarn religious.

anyways, you can probably know by now what i like/hate.
also i am a genshin impact hater, so i probably wouldnt play it.

i also do NOT enjoy copy games.

Have you ever played Genshin? Also just wondering, why do you hate it?

Obby Creator is cool, however there are lots of sandbox games on Roblox, some of my favorites being Islands and Build a Boat. It’s by no means a new concept.

Isn’t evade just a nextbot game? Those have existed outside of Roblox for a while now, so it’s not an original concept.

(Also, Ghost Maze sucks. Red world is just a walking simulator.)

havent you heard of something called an opinion?
anyway, i never played genshin, and i hate it anyway. i honestly think build a boat is a copy of plane crazy, and evade is actually very original.
anyways, i enjoy red world, it is NOT a walking sim. you should know its actually a puzzle game, and ghost maze… it is pretty good. the element of slowness in ghost maze really scares me, just like in most games where you need to run, but you can’t.

Yup, you have your opinions and I have mine.

I’m confused, you hate a game you’ve never played? What is it? Is it the fact that it’s single player, the fact it’s an open-world RPG, or the artstyle? What exaclty do you hate about it?

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i hate it because well, i dont know, but i just dont think i would enjoy it.

Thanks for your insightful feedback.

I’m curious to know what people dislike about the original so I can improve my version.

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i recommend using games i enjoy for reference, such as dungeon quest

First of all, I was talking about models, not meshes. Second of all, Roblox, as far as I am aware, does not have automatic instancing for their models. If they did, games would run much smoother. Roblox has notoriously bad optimization with parts, unions, and even meshes when you consider the fact that Roblox sometimes increases the triangle count on uploaded assets (at least, in my experience). Could you elaborate on where you got your information? While I admit that my claims might be erroneous, I was told about it by one of my map optimization buddies, hence why I believe it and actively use packages despite not having direct documentation. Furthermore, while it may not be the direct intention of packages, packages need to be instanced and have the ability to reuse data or else they couldn’t be updated universally across the platform.

Lastly, I have no idea where you got the “different colors also get instanced” part from. If you change the color of an already published package, it’ll prompt you to update said package. You must’ve misinterpreted something that I said.

P.S. To elaborate on my original claims, the main type of data I had in mind was light bumps. Roblox calculates this data for every single instance instead of reusing it on duplicated assets as far as I am aware, meshes included.

about 2020+ games, listen, what if everyone started to build classic games from now on? many people would play of course, but most of the time people seek for ''beauty and cuteness ‘’ on games nowadays, can’t argue with me, today we got so much gambling, Fanservice and pay2win content to ‘‘engage’’

really depends on the Game, purpose, and if really stuff is free2play

pay2win games will die one day or another, it is just a time to get boring

kids will grow, they will realize one day, if they get smarter they will go on a rampage and will go against all that stuff full of gambling and pay2win games

really hard to happen but… hopes never die

I agree, but i do not care for online dating. That’s “cute”, but it breaks the TOS.
All i want is just good, fun games that actually function and aren’t intended to make you rage.

i just want the days when i loved looking for forgotten games to come back…

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very cool looking but just not a style that I prefer lol

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