Would you play a revamped Lua Academy game

Lua Learning - Roblox was a game that aimed to teach new players how to script on Roblox. Pretty sure the game has been dead for a bit of time now, and I decided to revamp it.

The owner doesn’t make any money of it, and it’s open-sourced so I think I can make the game without any trouble. I know I’m an asshole but I just want to know your opinions on the idea so I decide if I do it or not.


Just try to make it engaging, for kids these days need TRUCKLOADS of stimulation to stay hooked on a game. (Cool sound effects, colors, etc.) If this is accomplished, this idea should be successful towards kids who want to learn to make games. :+1:

i def need the dopamine. the original owner didn’t make any money from the project, and that’s kinda my goal

ill include loads of challenges. I’ve been a scripter for a lot of years so

Yah, just make the game visually and audibly engaging and you should be good! Especially when it comes to your monetization. Market your micro transactions as well as possible here if you don’t want to make money. Do t go full on pets simulator about it, but definitely add some if you want to see some money coming out of this.

I’ve been wishing for a project like this. I recently reintroduced myself to Roblox after quitting for a couple years, and I’m currently trying to learn scripting. If you were to create it, even as a paid game, I would definitely be willing to pay and give you some premium payouts 100%.

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