Would you Play this game based on Trailer

With No context, if you saw this trailer on your social media (YouTube, Twitter, whatever you use etc.) would you play this game and why or why not? (Dates and stuff not final at all)

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The video itself looks good, however, the sounds are a bit weird. For example, the background scary music changes too fast at the very end of the video, and just altogether the scream and other effects sound a bit too “unnatural”. Try working a bit more on the sounds and it will be much better.

Good job making everything else tho!


For starters thank you so much for the feedback!

Most of the sounds you hear are from real gameplay, besides the trailer music and the ending. In other words, How would you recommend I deal with this?

Is there a method that you have used in the past to switch from one audio to another. I get what you mean, but I need to make that switch from one to another?.. Should I try to fade the default music into that (Via making the volume more quiter until at 0). Others ideas?

Again thanks for the feedback

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To be honest, I would feel that a perspective of a Player entering the scene of the map would be a better way to make the trailer more “spooky” in a way, like as if the Player’s carrying a camera with them.

I guess I might be intrigued to play the game, if I did see the trailer.

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Intresting idea… If I were to do this, was there a scene that didn’t make sense (out of place). This trailer has to under 30 seconds since we want to upload the video via the roblox game front page (Right now at 29, so if I were to ‘add’ anything, something has to go or be shortened)

Again thanks for the feedback!

I haven’t worked with audio much but I think fading them together is worth a try. Also maybe just letting the first sound play and not stopping it when you play the second, so it sounds like they belong together? It’s just an idea of course.


Ooo ok. I’ll mess around with it and see what I can do

it just doesn’t feel scary/actionesque. The music feels too calm, almost as if it’s lobby/intermission music.

Its intresting that you bring this up (Another one of our devs also brought this up). I don’t know if we want to go with scary or horror rather eerie or the feeling of ‘something is watching’. The Idea of the game is your trying to seal away the evil away. But you often aren’t put in evils way right away, but when you are, you have to seal them away. So for the game we always want the player on edge for them to create their own horror. None the less though this feedback is valid and might reconsider some things, so thank you for that