Would You Play This Game?

I don’t want to disclose too much, but I am currently working on a survival game.

It would use the story and mission characteristics from Raft, top-notch scenery for Roblox, and a day system like in Firewatch.

The general story goes as follows: You are surfing off the coast of the Bahamas, when a massive wave and riptide pulls you under. You black out, and wake up alone on a deserted island. You have to accomplish various missions and objectives to survive, along the way, finding a shipreck with supplies. When your first rescue attempt fails, you realize you must build a raft to escape. Chapter 1 ends with a cutscene of you sailing away and reflecting with stunning visuals and immersive audio.

Of course I don’t want to reveal too much so I’ll leave it at that.

Map In Progress:

Would you guys genuinely be interested in playing this game with revisions? Please give me feedback. Thanks!

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe With Revisions

0 voters

I know I previously posted it but Roblox unlisted it and warned my account because of the category it was in so I simply re-posted it here.


I would most defiantly play this!!!

When does it release???

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I will defenetely play this on max graphics if I would have an beefy PC for the best immersion! The game screenshots or recordings look awesome! I am wondering how a trailer would look like! It probably would look STUNNING!

I already have something thought out, however I haven’t worked on it much. I’m trying to finish the base game before I do anything extra. Do you feel a trailer would be good to create beforehand to help with hype? @coolgamer294855

Well, about half of the core mechanics are done, however I am working by myself, and I am still in school so I would say earliest, mid-summer.

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Wow u are making this yourself??? Welcome to the team lol.
I dont work with anyone cause I dont want to hire and I dont have like any friends so. . .

But good luck with your game!


Oi you always got friends here on the forum


Definetely! The hype would be big if the trailer is good! If the game releases with a trailer, I am gonna watch the trailer first then hop on, so I can prepare for what I saw in the trailer. It would also benefit you if you first release Beta-Access for like 15 robux, and an discord server with “Beta-Supporter” role, which scans the player’s inventory if they have bought the game before public release.


It does sound good, Raft has good Survival mechanics, so if you add a few of them you’re on the right path, a few things:

  • Make the story important and make it feel like a book/movie, it’s very immersive if done the right way
  • Possibly add different endings for the story, all at different times maybe

I was thinking of one ending per chapter, but would it be more interactive if the actions you took decided your fate?


There can be one ending per chapter, or more if you want, but remember to make most of them optional (unless there’s a final chapter after which there’s no more chapters, at which point you have a “forced” ending)

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Glad to know I got friends!
