Would you rather a Terrain Lobby or a lobby made out of parts

Hello devforum! Let’s say you find this great game, with an amazing lobby. Would this amazing lobby be made out of parts or terrain? I’m not sure what type of lobby to make so that’s why I asked here! thanks for reading! :smile:


It all depends on the style of the game. If your going for a realistic game then I recommend a realistic lobby made out of terrain. However if your game is cartoony / low poly I recommend making it out of parts to make the lobby match the games theme


It’s a cartoony game, like a geometry dash remix type game is what it is.


If that’s the case, I’d probably recommend the parts (like @Turtlepla said). There are pros and cons to both, but if the design of the parts matches your game’s setting more then use that. You might get a varied opinion, but it’d be cool to see a prototype of what both of them would look like.


SInce your game is cartoony, going with parts would be a far better option. I’ve never really been a big fan of the realistic terrain, so my opinion varies.

If the game is going to be realistic, use terrain. If it’s not, and it’s going to be something like futuristic, or something cartoony (Which is what you said your game was going to be like), then use parts.

Since the game is going to be a cartoony, low-poly style; I would try suggesting parts for the lobby. The terrains are also nice too, but that’s the decision of how imaginary feels! :grin: