Wrapping objects and adding functionalities to them

Two articles have already covered this topic (link and link), and they’re both good! But I wanted to approach this idea in my own way. A way that would feel nicer for beginners, especially those that have learned about metatables, and really couldn’t get their heads around how they’d use them. Which is why might need a good bit of knowledge about metatables and various of bits of object-oriented programming. Also, I’m gonna be digging deep to talk about more stuff.

First of all, what’s wrapping. Well essentially, it’s using something already pre-built and adding more features to it. For example, if I wanted to wrap math.random, I could make it so our wrapped version will also generate random numbers with random decimal place (up to 5 decimal places), if a third argument is passed as true, which is not something that math.random does.

local function math.random2(min, max, decimal)
    if decimal then
        return math.random(min*10000, max*10000)/10000
        return math.random(min, max)

As you can see, we’re using math.random internally, and adding more stuff so we have a new more advanced function, math.random2. Another example would DataStore2, which is a wrapper for the DataStore service. Intrenally, it’s littearly just using DataStore, but doing more to make it better.

But, in our case, we’re gonna be wrapping objects, Roblox instances. We’re gonna add more properties to them, more methods, maybe even events. How? Well, let’s dive in.

When you’re accessing an instance’s property, you’re in reality just indexing it, the same way you’d index a table. Part.Transparency is like having a key called Transparency storing a value describing the transparency value of that part. Instances aren’t really tables, they’re userdatas, as I covered before, a userdata is essentially a raw piece of data of an arbitrary size. Roblox is fully made using C++, the engine, the API meaning objects and all that, custom globals like warn and wait, they’re all written in that language. This piece of data is filled with information in the C++ side. And if you’re wondering and happen to know that lua is supposed to be embedded into C, how is Roblox embedding lua into C++? Well, because you can run C code into C++.

Ok, so, we know that userdatas are indexed like you would index a table. We can use this facility to make wrapping objects an implementable thing. How? Well, the same way you’d implement an object within the mindset of OOP. We will have an object with properties and methods, those properties and methods are the additional ones, in order to include the original properties and methods of the original object we make a metatable for the object wrapped object with the additional features with an __index set to the original object. Wait, the original object is an instance, a userdata, how can we set __index (which is supposed to be set to a table) to that? Well we can. This concept is called duck typing, the rule says “if it quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it’s a duck”, userdatas can be indexed like tables, they technically deserve to be binned to __index.

Let’s demonstrate what I just said. I will be making an implementation of IntConstrainedValues, these are deprecated object values that work almost like IntValues, but will also clamp the value just like math.clamp does. If .Value property is greater than .MaxValue it becomes the value of .MaxValue, and same for .MinValue, if it’s less.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = value

    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue}) --the magic 

    return object

local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
print(object.Value, object.MaxValue, object.MinValue) --We are able to access all three properties!

We create the original object to wrap IntValue, set its value to whatever we chose. Then we create object which is going to hold the special properties and method (we haven’t added methods yet, made 0 and 10 as default values. Then the most important part, set the object's metatable to a table with an __index pointing to IntValue. What happens is, if we reference a property that doesn’t exist in object we get redirected to IntValue. object.Value is provided with IntValue, object.MaxValue and object.MinValue are both provided with object. We just wrapped this object, added more features to it. Some people would like to call object the interface, an interface is basically like a remote, it has buttons and let’s you interact with the device easily. In this case, that’s what the object is, we give it input, which happens when we index it, and it makes the job easier for us, depending on our input it gives us back the property we want and we don’t really have to care what’s going on inside. Just like a TV remote, we click the button and something happens what’s happening is abstracted away from us.

So let’s do more stuff. We’re missing the whole point of IntConstrainedValues, we’re not clamping the .Value. Let’s do that.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value --ternary magic

    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue}) 
    return object

local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
print(object.Value, object.MaxValue, object.MinValue) 

We need to make it so we can edit the values as well. We need it to work for both the custom and original properties. If you object.MaxValue = 5, it should change the custom object and object.Value = 6 should change the IntVaue's property. We can do that with __newindex.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value 

    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue, --mind the weird syntax!
        __newindex = function(_, property, value) 
            IntValue[property] = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value 
            --remember how properties are just indexed, we can do IntValue[property]
            --where property is the key, or in this case property, that we wanted to access
            --also remember how we need to clamp the value
    return object

Cool and good. Now problem here is, if we want to change other properties such as “Name”, or “Parent”, we will get an error because of the clamping part. So we will need to make a check for that.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value

    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue,
        __newindex = function(_, property, value) 
           if property == "Value" then --keys are just strings (in our case, they could be any value)
                IntValue[property] = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value
                IntValue[property] = value
    return object
local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
object.Name = "IntConstrainedValueObject"
object.Parent = workspace

object.MaxValue = 9
print(object.MaxValue) --9
object.Value = 10
print(object.Value) --9 because it was clamped

Ok, let’s deal with methods now. Methods will work just like properties, the custom methods we will define are inside of object, and the default ones should be easily accessed with __index. We will also be overriding some of the default methods. For example, our :Clone() method has to be custom, because if we used the default :Clone() only the IntValue will be cloned, and obviously the metatable, the wrapped properties and methods aren’t going to get copied with it.

object:Clone() would just create a new IntConstrainedValue, with the same properties as the wrapped object, but we would also want the properties of the IntValue, to do that, we would need to change the __index of the copy object to our copied object's IntValue (which is the equivalent of getmetatable(copy_object).__index = getmetatable(copied_object).__index).

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value 

    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    function object:Clone() 
        local clone = IntConstrainedValue.new(self.Value, self.MinValue, self.MaxValue)
        getmetatable(clone).__index = getmetatable(self).__index
        return clone

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue, 
        __newindex = function(_, property, value) 
           if property == "Value" then 
                IntValue[property] = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value
                IntValue[property] = value
    return object
local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
object.Name = "IntConstrainedValueObject"
object.Parent = workspace

local object2 = object:Clone()
object2.Parent = workspace
print(object.Value, object.MaxValue, object.MinValue) --5, 8, 10 same as the first object


We’re not keeping the methods in the custom wrapped IntConstrainedValue class as we would do in a normal OOP setup, here we’re creating them inside of the object inside of the constructor itself. Now this is complicated. Because we’re already using object's metatable and __index for the object, we can’t make it inherit from the class (and a table can’t have more than a single metatable, and a metatable cannot contain more than a single metamethod of each type). We also can’t make it so IntValue inherits from the class (basically we have multiple layers of inheritance, object inherits from IntValue which inherits from IntConstrainedValue, if we index object with a method, it looks through IntValue, then looks through IntConstrained) beacuse we cannot edit the metatable of an Instance! It’s locked. So it’s almost impossible to do so, but I can think of many hacky ways of doing so, but’s it’s just gonna be confusing and will ruin the taste of this article.

Implementing a :Destroy() is gonna be a rabbit hole of garbage collection and memory leaks (just like with the :Destroy() method), but we can’t really do anything about it because, this is a problem with the roblox implementation as well. :Destroy() will just call :Destroy() on self's IntValue, and set self to nil. Wrapping :Destroy()!

We will face problems with garbage collection because there are many references to different things. For example, even though we destroy IntValue, there is a reference to it inside of the constructor (the IntValue variable), and also a reference to it because it’s stored inside of the metatable (it’s pointed to by __index), which is why we can still access its properties.

function object:Destroy()
    self = nil
local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
object.Name = "IntConstrainedValueObject"
object.Parent = workspace

print(object) --still prints it, although the IntValue parented to workspace is removed
print(object.Value, object.MaxValue) --also prints the various properties

There are ways to make it so the :Destroy() actually has side-effects that make you unable to use other references to the destroyed object by removing what the objects have (the properties and methods), for example we can setmetatable(self, {}) to an empty table, that way you can no longer access the methods, and properties of the IntValue. For object's properties and method, we simply loop through object and set everything to nil. Although the other references are still tables, they just don’t redirect to properties and methods, they’re empty.

function object:Destroy()
    setmetatable(self, {}) --make IntValue's properties and method inaccessible
    for i, v in pairs(self) do
         self[i] = nil
    self = nil
local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
object.Name = "IntConstrainedValueObject"
object.Parent = workspace

print(object) --table: some address
print(object.Value, object.MaxValue) --nil, nil

Ok, let’s move on with events! Before talking about events in general, let’s talk about the idea behind events: if something happens, inform a listener (run all functions connected to that event). Let’s talk about how we would do “if something happens” part, we need to check. Let’s we wanted to make a .Changed (wrapping the .Changed event!) that will work with object properties, firing if a property changed. What would I do to check? Well a naive solution is to make a while loop that constanly checks for object's properties, and for IntValue's properties we just hook a .Changed event that will inform us. But that’s terrible.

Another solution is setters, a setter is literaly a method that sets a property to something (for example, :SetPrimaryPartCFrame, in our case we would have something like :SetMaxValue() or :SetMinValue()). Since we’re calling this function to change the properties, we can simply inform the listenner that we changed a property, and we don’t have to constanly check, we just inform the listener once the function is called. And for IntValue's properties, we just hook .Changed again.

local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

function object:SetMaxValue(value) 
    object.MaxValue = value
    ... --inform the listener

    ... --inform the listener

But this is not so good, because you can still do object.MaxValue = property for example, and that wouldn’t fire the event. You can just keep on using the setter, but if you make a public object wrapper, people don’t want to be forced to use setters.

Best solution is, to use a proxy table (it’s important that you know this concept, because I won’t be dwelling on it a lot). It’s essentially a table that tracks whenever you read or write to a table, using __index and __newindex.

local t = {x = 5}
local proxy = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(_, prop) print("User accessed an index") return t[prop] end,
               __newindex = function(_, prop, value) print("User changed or created new index") t[prop] = value end

local h = proxy.x
--prints "User accessed an index", it's detecting that we did.
proxy.f = 2 
--prints "User has changed or created a new index", detected

The proxy table works almost like the interface that we talked about, it’s the one that gets indexed, and once it does, it indexes the table it’s connected to, and that way we can know if it was indexed. It’s like we added a layer between them, and that layer redirects us to the table, while letting us do more stuff in between. In our case, we will be doing something like this! (Note that our proxy table won’t contain a __index)

local object = {properties}
local proxy = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(_, prop, value) 
                 if object[prop] ~= value then --if value changed from last
                     ... --inform the listener
                 object[prop] = value
__index = object

That’s it! Let’s do that to our implementation.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value 
    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10}

    local proxy = setmetatable({}, {
        __newindex = function(_, prop, value)
            if object[prop] ~= value then
                ... --inform the listener
            object[prop] = value
        __index = object

    function object:Clone() 
        local clone = IntConstrainedValue.new(self.Value, self.MinValue, self.MaxValue)
        getmetatable(clone).__index = getmetatable(self).__index
        return clone

    function object:Destroy()
        setmetatable(self, {}) --make IntValue's properties and method inaccessible
        for i, v in pairs(self) do
            self[i] = nil
        self = nil

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue, 
        __newindex = function(_, property, value) 
           if property == "Value" then 
                IntValue[property] = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value
                IntValue[property] = value
    return proxy --return proxy instead

Everything should still work the same! We return proxy instead.

Now! The listener part! How would we be able to listen for whenever that ... --inform the listener part is gonna fire. Well using bindable events! First of all, I want you to change the way you think about events, in case you haven’t yet. Events, are actual values, they’re RBXScriptSIignals. Whenever you’re indexing an event, you’re getting that RBXScriptSignal.

print(part.Touched) --Signal Touched
print(type(part.Touched)) --userdata
print(typeof(part.Touched)) --RBXScriptSignal

As you’ve seen above, RBXScriptSignals are just userdatas, they have methods and properties. One of the methods, that you are definitely aware of, is :Connect(), yeah (also :Wait()). This method connects a function to the RBXScriptSignal. The RBXScriptSignal works just like an alarm, if something happens (if it’s alarmed), it runs all functions connected to it. Know, since you know all that, something like this:

local touched = part.Touched

touched:Connect(function() A


is totally valid.

So, what’s special about bindable events? Well, we can fire them whenever we want with :Fire(), which will repalce the ... --inform the listener part, and listen to that with .Event. We can have a key inside of an object, that will hold the bindable event’s RBXScriptSignal (bindable.Event), that way we can name our events however we want, where the key is the event’s name. This is what I mean:

local objects = {}

function objects.new() --some arbitrary OOP setup
    local bindable = Instance.new("BindableEvent") --used for event, we don't really need to parent it, it's a dummy object
    local object = {Changed = bindable.Event} --the RBXScriptSignal
    function object:FireChanged() --just some random function that will fire the event
        bindable:Fire("hi") --inform object.Changed, you can pass parameters just like events
    return object

local o = objects.new()

--o.changed points to bindable.Event, which is fired with :Fire()

o.Changed:Connect(function(parameter) --you can get the parameters
     print(parameter) --prints "hi" after calling :FireChanged()

object:FireChanged() --inform

I hope you got the idea! Let’s implement this to our main script. The .Changed event will fire whenever our proxy runs __newindex. We will pass prop, the changed property, as a parameter.

local IntConstrainedValue = {}

function IntConstrainedValue.new(value, min, max)    
    local IntValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
    IntValue.Value = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value 
    local changed = Instance.new("BindableEvent") --the bindable
    local object = {MinValue = min or 0, MaxValue = max or 10, Changed = changed.Event} --its rbxscriptsignal
    local proxy = setmetatable({}, {
        __newindex = function(_, prop, value)
            if object[prop] ~= value then
                changed:Fire(prop) --we fire with whatever property 
            object[prop] = value
		__index = object
		changed:Fire("Value") --we fire with "Value"
	function object:Clone() 
        local clone = IntConstrainedValue.new(self.Value, self.MinValue, self.MaxValue)
        getmetatable(clone).__index = getmetatable(self).__index
        return clone

    function object:Destroy()
        setmetatable(self, {}) 
        for i, v in pairs(self) do
            self[i] = nil
        self = nil

    setmetatable(object, {__index = IntValue, 
        __newindex = function(_, property, value) 
           if property == "Value" then 
                IntValue[property] = (value>max and max) or (value<min and min) or value
                IntValue[property] = value
    return proxy --return proxy instead
local object = IntConstrainedValue.new(5, 8, 10)
object.Name = "IntConstrainedValueObject"
object.Parent = workspace

	print(prop, "=", object[prop])

object.Value = 9
object.MinValue = 4

And the output would print what you’d expect it to print! Now one thing, the Changed event works differently for Value Objects. It will only fire with .Value property changes, and doesn’t pass that as a property, it just passes the changed value. So we just changed:Fire("Value"). This is cool! We might also make a .MaxClamped and .MinClamped event, that fire whenever .Value either is more than .MaxValue or less than .MinValue and it’s clamped. Try implementing those yourself!
And by the way, we can actually use :Disconnect() with this! Because :Connect() is returning it, thus we can disconnect the changed.Event.

I have this wrapper module which you can use by the way!

And that’s it! As usual, have a wonderful day!


Thank you! It helped me a lot.


Can you make the module public please?

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Whoops! Thanks for informing me. I didn’t realize. I did have the source code available though.

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I just started getting good with metatables like a few weeks ago.
I have really grown and I would like to share some information with people.
so you cannot call the instance original functions.
well There is currently a bug with your wrapper that can easily be fixed and it happens when calling a function that requires “:” that is from the instance originally.
it took me a few months to actually figure this out how to fix until a few days ago I found a solution on devfourm.

the error/problem:

so you can fix this by doing this
this is a small peice of code i made recently

local wrapped = setmetatable({}, {
	__index = (function(self, index)
		local SafeGet=(table.pack(pcall(function() return(object[index]) end)))
		local RealIndex, FakeIndex=(SafeGet[1] and SafeGet[2]), rawget(self, index)
		if RealIndex~=nil then
			if typeof(RealIndex)=="function" then
					local Args=table.pack(...)
					if (typeof(Args[1])~="Instance") then
						return RealIndex(object, ...)
					elseif (typeof(Args[1])=="Instance") then
						return RealIndex(table.unpack(Args))
						return error("Something went wrong!", 0)
				return RealIndex
			if FakeIndex~=nil then
				if typeof(FakeIndex)=="function" then
					return(function(_, ...)
						return FakeIndex(object, ...)
					return FakeIndex
				return nil

You can replace wrapped with that tell me if there is something wrong :slight_smile:
if you want I did it myself


I modified my version a bit so just to let you know if you don’t like the modifications you can still replace the “local wrapped” variable with the code I sent above thanks have a nice day I think I am done here for now…

I know this is a several-month-old reply but I still want to provide some optimizations because you’re using a lot of extra checks:

local myObject = {}
-- we should define class functions as a member of myObject
function myObject:Random()
    return math.random()
function myObject:Destroy()
    setmetatable(self, nil)
    -- set any extra non-gc'able properties to nil here
-- we should set metamethods inside that table as well:
function myObject:__index(newKey)
    if myObject[newKey] then
        return myObject[newKey] -- this will not invoke the __index metamethod since we're indexing the metatable, not the actual table
    elseif type(myObject._extends[newKey]) == 'function' then -- this will not error since newKey is either a member function or a property
        return function(_, ...)
            return myObject._extends[newKey](myObject._extends, ...)
    return myObject._extends[newKey] -- it cannot be anything but a property at this point, if it is, it will error correctly
function myObject:__index(key, value) -- this will only fire when attempting to add a new value to the wrapped object
    self._extends[key] = value

function myObject.new(myInstance) -- if the instance doesn't exist yet, you can create it here
    local newObject = {}
    newObject.cool = true -- we want to define properties inside the object, we do not want to define functions in the object's table.
    newObject._extends = myInstance
    return setmetatable(newObject, myObject)