Wrapping Surface GUIs on a Cylinder

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to paint on labels for cans with arbitrary texts / images on the fly, so uploading decals is far from ideal here.

  2. What is the issue?
    See the image below. Decals (blue) wrap around cylinder perfectly, but surface guis (orange) do not wrap at all.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I looked around this dev forum, and found one similar post, but no solution.

Is this just a limitation of Surface GUIs? Their name implies a behavior that is different than its actual behavior.

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I think it’s just a thing with surface guis.

This is just an extremely annoying limitation, unfortunately.

Try using NexusAvenger’s SurfaceGuiWrapper module. I’m not sure how to use it since he provided no (useful) documentation.

If it helps, I also made a module that wraps decals around surfaces, but not surface guis.


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