Wrong bone orientation in skinned character rigging

Hey! I’ve been trying to make this model work as a R15 skinned mesh rigged character. I copied the Lola model, unliked the mesh and applied it to my own model. The problem is that when I try to import it and run an animation with the animation editor it looks like this:

(I am using roblox stadium’s animation for the example)


Here is the lola one:


Does anyone had this issue before, what I may be doing wrong? :thinking:

I am using the same export setting for both

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Is it Anchored? I’m not sure if that’ll affect it since I’m no expert, but it looks like the Humanoid lower torso is not moving at all and the rest is bending around that. Lola is bending over at the waist and hunching down, your character is bending over further just at the waist, seems like the hips aren’t moving at all.

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