X-Welder — the best way to weld your models [FREE]

Do you want to weld a model, but there are so many parts and you are afraid you will miss something?

Good thing there’s an X-Welder plugin!

X-Welder: a plugin that will allow you to weld your model quickly and easily.

Modes of operation

Modes of operation:

Each mode connects only BaseParts and creates WeldConstraints.

Neighbor Mode

Neighbor Mode

This mode is suitable for models created for physics simulation. Each part will be welded to neighboring parts that are very close.

Brick Mode

Brick Mode

Brick mode, like neighbor mode, is also suitable for physics simulations. Each part will be welded to the top part (part rotation is not considered).

Primary Part Mode

Primary Part Mode

(from one part to all parts)
Select a model or multiple models and press start. Each model must have a PrimaryPart.
This mode is suitable for welding all parts to PrimaryPart. All weld instances are in Primary Part.

Weld Remover

Weld Remover

The weld deletion mode deletes: Weld, WeldConstraint, Snap

Weld Teams Viewer

Weld Teams Viewer (check welds)

The weld command view is a very handy feature: you can select a model or a group of parts and easily see if the weld is solid.

Button meanings:
:large_blue_circle: Select - ready to select parts, select parts or models and press the button.
:yellow_circle: - the process of defining groups is in progress.
(If there are no welds in the model, the process may take a long time.)
:red_circle: Remove - you can delete the result
:red_circle: Removing… - delete the result in the process


Teams are arranged in descending order: the largest team at the top, the smallest at the bottom.
If there is only one command: the welding is integral.

If you click on this, the camera will move closer to the middle of the team (works strangely)

The green square changes color depending on the team.
WeldConstraints - number of exactly WeldConstraints
Weld Objects - the number of Weld, WeldConstraints and Snap.
Eye - turn off/on the highlighting of parts in the command


Main Menu

Weld Teams Viewer

If you have any suggestions or comments: write, I'd be very happy to read them :]

Press here to install

Tired of changing TextLabel to TextButton?
Instantly switch between any classes with this free plugin:

Logo Switcher


A new update has been released

Almost a year after releasing the plugin, I finally updated it! I’m happy to inform you about the new things!

📌 Last mode now saves

If you change the plugin's mode, it will remember it and automatically select it the next time you open it.

📌 Weld Teams Viewer now shows procentage

When you choose huge models checking can take some time. Now you can see the progress! You don't have to guess when he'll finish the job.

📌 Primary Part mode now supports multiple models

Now you can select a list of models and the operation will repeat for each of them.

and, of course, some bug fixes and UI improvements