Xbox Controller Icons [Free Pack]

:video_game: Xbox Controller Icon Pack

Hello! While making my game, I wanted to make a controller support, so, I had to design the controller icons. Since I think developers should start trying to make better controller support for their games, I’ll leave here the pack of icons that I designed.

Note: LB and RB are flipped on the preview, but they are well in the pack.

:newspaper: Tips for the Developers while making Controller Support

  • Add a good UI selection system;
  • Add Haptic Feedback Support (should be a setting);
  • Add good Icons that fit the game;
  • Add a function to the “B” button to close UIs (this helps controller players a lot).

:arrow_down_small: Download (300.0 KB)

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  • Yes! I’ll use it!
  • Yes, but I’m not going to use it.
  • No, I don’t think so.

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RB and LB are flipped, Not sure if im just tripping though