XBOX Gui Selection is wrong

For some reason, when I’m using a Gamepad on one of my games and press the ‘Gui Select’ button, it auto selects a textbutton positioned off-screen, even though there are many located visibly on-screen. Is there a way to choose which button gets auto-selected when they first toggle it?

I have something that auto selects a particular button, but then they get stuck and can’t get out of Gui mode because it keeps ‘selecting’ that button each time they toggle ‘Gui Select’.

Is there any particular reason why that TextButton is being prioritized? Perhaps its ZIndex property value or LayoutOrder property value is causing this effect to occur in-game.

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I hadn’t thought about ZIndex, but I’ll check that out. That might be a good way to force a selection. I ended up setting the Selectable property in all of the ScrollingFrame children to false unless they were meant to be selected.