"XBOX_M Left Leg" appears gray

I don’t know when this started happening, but for some reason the “XBOX_M Left Leg” now appears completely gray in-game.

This only happens in R15; the R6 version is not affected.

Associated bundles

This left leg is used in the following free bundles:

Possible cause of issue

The leg itself wasn’t updated recently, so it wasn’t a direct change to the asset that caused this to happen.

When you inspect the leg’s MeshParts in Studio, they all use the following texture ID: https://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=630062557

Funnily enough, the ID doesn’t actually point to an image, but instead a mesh. So it shouldn’t even render a texture because it’s not the correct asset type. Whoever set up this bundle accidentally put the wrong ID there!

And clearing the texture ID on the MeshParts makes the leg render correctly again!

The right leg’s MeshParts don’t even use a texture, so the left leg probably shouldn’t be using a texture either.

However, this rendering issue has never happened until now. Perhaps something recently changed about how MeshPart textures are rendered, causing invalid textures to appear solid gray?

Expected behavior

The left leg should not be gray. It should render classic clothing and body colors like the corresponding right leg does.


Thank you for flagging this. This should be fixed now. Please let us know if you see otherwise.

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