(Outdated; new portfolio is out) xKorl 2020 Cheap Clothing Designer

The designs are awesome. I recommend Korl, the service was extremely fast, and I loved the clothing. Hope to work with more you in the future!

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Super cute designs ordered from her, super cheap and very fast service, really recommended

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Okay, wow. After reading this article, I must say I am impressed. Your top notch quality and cheap prices matches a lot of peoples needs. My favourite part is that your designs are so unique. I was shocked by how good the quality was when I ordered, my favourite clothing designer. By far! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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FANTASTIC Work! I’m currently looking for some talented Clothing designers who can get me casuals & formal clothing done! You seem interesting! :slight_smile:

Sent a fr in discord: Zakaruko#2029

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Wow, someone improved a lot :star_struck:
You should start charging 500-1K per asset now, this is great :+1:t2:

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Thank you, I am considering raising prices. Just have to come up with the prices!

Korl is the best clothing designer I have ever worked with. They get you the clothes quick, and they are amazing! Their work is way better and they should charge sooooo much more.

10/10 for xKorl. :clap:


These are so cute. I love your designing style, it’s so colorful and unique! I suggest adding a bit more shading and highlights on some of your outfits though, it would help a ton!!

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I am improving quite a lot- it’s also really nice of you for giving me feedback! It’s really helpful.
Here’s something I made very recently:

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Very nice and chill awesome person very nice yah yah go get her she cheap

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Omg I love this so much!! :smiley: <33

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Hey, I do have one question for you! By chance, do you do in game clothing by chance?! If, so I would be interested in you soon! to, design clothings, in my home store! Once, it is done. But very I like your work.



Yes I do. Here’s my new portfolio… I understand this is super late lol Clothing Designer xKorl 2021-2022 Portfolio (0/3)

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