I just forked (and changed it to fit into one script) the experience script from one of my projects, maybe you can use it.
It uses DataStore2 to save/load, but you can edit it to your liking.
local dataStore2 = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("DataStore2"))
local RankData = {
["RankCalculation"] = {
-- Change these to your liking
[1] = 600, -- Required base experience -- Plus current rank (will be added automatically in the ExperienceToLevelUp function)
[2] = 1.25, -- multiplied by this (just makes it harder to level up for each level)
-- RankName is used for if you want a gui above their head to display
-- a text. it could be anything from lvl1 being "Noob" to lvl50 being "Epic God"
["RankName"] = {
[1] = "Rank 1",
[2] = "Rank 2",
[3] = "Rank 3",
[4] = "Rank 4",
[5] = "Rank 5",
[6] = "Rank 6",
[7] = "Rank 7",
[8] = "Rank 8",
[9] = "Rank 9",
[10] = "Rank 10",
[11] = "Rank 11",
[12] = "Rank 12",
[13] = "Rank 13",
[14] = "Rank 14",
[15] = "Rank 15",
[16] = "Rank 16",
[17] = "Rank 17",
[18] = "Rank 18",
[19] = "Rank 19",
[20] = "Rank 20",
[21] = "Rank 21",
[22] = "Rank 22",
[23] = "Rank 23",
[24] = "Rank 24",
[25] = "Rank 25",
[26] = "Rank 26",
[27] = "Rank 27",
[28] = "Rank 28",
[29] = "Rank 29",
[30] = "Rank 30",
[31] = "Rank 31",
[32] = "Rank 32",
[33] = "Rank 33",
[34] = "Rank 34",
[35] = "Rank 35",
[36] = "Rank 36",
[37] = "Rank 37",
[38] = "Rank 38",
[39] = "Rank 39",
[40] = "Rank 40",
[41] = "Rank 41",
[42] = "Rank 42",
[43] = "Rank 43",
[44] = "Rank 44",
[45] = "Rank 45",
[46] = "Rank 46",
[47] = "Rank 47",
[48] = "Rank 48",
[49] = "Rank 49",
[50] = "Rank 50",
-- experience-calculation for level-up function
local function ExperienceToLevelUp(level)
local baseNumber = RankData["RankCalculation"][1]
local multNumber = RankData["RankCalculation"][2]
return math.round(baseNumber*(level*multNumber))
local defaultLevel = 1
local defaultExperience = 0
-- when players join function
print("Started loading data...")
-- create folder & instances for our DataStores. Used for replication to the client
local FOL_PlayerData = Instance.new("Folder");FOL_PlayerData.Name = "PlayerData";FOL_PlayerData.Parent = player
local INS_Level = Instance.new("IntValue");INS_Level.Name = "Level";INS_Level.Parent = FOL_PlayerData
local INS_Experience = Instance.new("IntValue");INS_Experience.Name = "Experience";INS_Experience.Parent = FOL_PlayerData
-- define our DataStores
local DS_Level = dataStore2("Level",player)
local DS_Experience = dataStore2("Experience",player)
-- create functions for when our data in a DataStore updates
local function updateLevel(value)
print("local function 'updateLevel' ran...");INS_Level.Value = value
local function updateExperience(value)
print("local function 'updateExperience' ran...");
local CurrentLevel = DS_Level:Get()
-- If CurrentLevel is above MaxLevel, then set the CurrentLevel to MaxLevel
-- This is here because "updateExperience" will run more than once.
-- Lets say they just earned 1005 exp
-- but it takes 400 exp to level up to lvl 2
-- and it takes 600 exp to level up to lvl 3
-- then the ExperienceToLevelUp function will level them up to level 3 before
-- updating the leftover experience they have (which in this case is 5 experience)
-- So this below just makes sure that if they had experience enough to level
-- from let's say 49 to 51, then it will set their level to 50, since
-- this is our levelcap in this instance, and discard the rest of the experience, since they
-- reached max level
if CurrentLevel > #RankData["RankName"] then -- We take the amount of ranks in our table, and define that as our maxlevel
CurrentLevel = #RankData["RankName"]
value = 0
if value >= ExperienceToLevelUp(CurrentLevel) then
value -= ExperienceToLevelUp(CurrentLevel)
CurrentLevel += 1
if value == ExperienceToLevelUp(CurrentLevel) then
value = 0
CurrentLevel += 1
INS_Experience.Value = value
INS_Experience.Value = value
print("Finished loading data...")
-- call the functions automatically again, when a data updates