Xpresso Developmental Job Opportunities [CURRENTY CLOSED]

Xpresso Developmental Job Recruitment

About Us

Salutations! We are elated to welcome you to Xpresso’s Communication Server. Xpresso is a coffee & tea cafe founded on May 5, 2020 by joIIyandrew . At Xpresso, we offer a multitude of services, including events such as gamenights & spirit weeks, and more. Our hope is that while you are on this server, you gain valuable information about our server & learn new updates about our community. We hope the following information provides you information that may prove to be important throughout your time at Xpresso.

The Team
@TheJamesPotter - President & Project Lead
@kierstenwastaken - Vice President & Junior Project Lead / UX
@jewelici - Vice President & Junior Project Lead / UX
@XxxxAmber_Xxxx & @k1m_my - Presidential Officers & Project Information
@yourusernamehere - Clothing Designer
@yourusernamehere - Scripter

About The Job

We are currently in the development of our new cafe & currently possess 820 members. We were interested in hiring a few members of our team, including a temporary or permanent clothing designer & a temporary [task-based] scripter who can assist us on a few tasks that will be listed below. COMMUNICATION SKILLS & RESPECT/KINDNESS ARE VITAL TO THIS JOB.


Development Team members will be given the following benefits:

  • Development Team OR Contributor Role [Based on Work]
  • Fast & Guaranteed Payment
  • Friendly Environment
  • Communication with Developer

Payment & Information

Clothing Designer

We are expecting 3 designs to be created within a 1 - 2 week timeframe. Each design should have two versions [croptop & normal shirt]. Each design will be paid for with 150 R$ [for crop top & normal versions] The specific designs will be discussed with you once hired / almost hired. You will be paid via group funds as soon as the requested items are completed.


We are willing to pay from 1k - 2.5k for the following:

  • Script a program that ranks users when they earn a certain amount of “points”
  • Script Loading Screen
  • Script Pop-Ups

Ability to work closely with UI Designer & Presidential Team.

UI Designer

We are willing to pay from 1k - 1.5k for the following:

  • Loading Screen UI
  • Shop [Gamepasses, Pop-Ups]
  • Pop-Ups

Ability to work closely with Scripter & Presidential Team.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact the Xpresso Corporation on Discord through either our communications server, or to @ andrew :christmas_tree:#0001 if you are interested in the offer, or have any inquiries.
Please keep in mind you must 13+ to have discord & to apply.

Best of luck! :hidere:

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