XSearch | Fast & smart instance searcher tool


Fast & smart instance searcher tool

Hello developers!
When I was working with a lot of scripts and models I was having the issue that it’s hard to find something. Opening the folders, trying to find the script I want.

That’s why I created XSearch!
With XSearch you can find anything anytime!
You just need to press ALT+F and type in what you want!
If you have more thing with the same name, there is no problem,
XSearch can list you 5 instances with the same name!


Search in workspace.
1, Press ALT+F!
2, You can start typing the name of the instance you want to find!
3, If you have more search results, you can choose between them with
ALT+1, ALT+2, …, ALT+5!
4, If you found what you want, just press enter or click somewhere out of the textbox!

Search in the current selected instance.
1, Press ALT+SHIFT+F!
the other steps are the same!

Rename found instance.
(tutorial is a video)

Install the plugin:

Now you are ready to use XSearch!

XSearch is 100% free to install and use, if you want to support me, please do it in this game:



This looks pretty useful, I will definitely install!

You make awesome plugins :wink:

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Thank you so much! I’m doing my best!


Quick notice!

It doesn’t matter if you write in upper or lowercase.

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This is amazing! Clean UI and fast mechanics! This could definitely be useful. I also love how there’s a BillBoard indicator to the part itself.

I’m just wondering how it handles finding the instance in the workspace. It seems like the script is either updating constantly (every frame) or whenever a key is pressed. Does the script loop through the entire workspace every time?

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So what’s the difference between this and the already existing instance search in the explorer?


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Well, you don’t need to click in that box, and then typ in your name, find the part you want, select it and the delete the text. You just press ALT+F and type in what you want.


Has a keybind too

I think ALT+F stand better for find.
And this plugin is also not done yet, I’m making so people can filter instances by class. (example: it will only list parts, etc.)


I don’t think a specific keybind is better for anything relating to searching for stuff.

And I don’t think searching by class instance is necessary because it shows everything, Parts, Folders, etc. As long as they match the name.

Looks cool but I don’t think there is any case when I’ll need it.

  1. holding alt and clicking on a part exists
  2. there is a search bar that does the same thing

u cn change keybind in studio settings still it would be nice to have property matching or stuff like tht